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Microsoft Windows 8 OVGorskiy 2013 (x86x64) Eng









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發表於 2013-4-18 22:42:47
Microsoft Windows 8 OVGorskiy 2013 (x86x64) Eng

Microsoft Windows 8 OVGorskiy 2013 (x86/x64) Eng | 3.2GB

The updated original english images Windows 8 Professional from Microsoft different bits for 2 different DVD ( x86 and x64 ). Includes "the net" is not modified Windows 8 images, collected in two different DVD by standard tools from Microsoft (AIK).

Installation is completely "manually " with a choice of operating system installation settings. Integrated: important and recommended updates to March 2013, inclusive. Assemblies are designed for more comfortable transition to the newnot habitual interface of the new operating system. With these assemblies, you get all the advantages of a modern and progressive operating system not straining myself long and enjoyable process of habituation and adaptation. Speed of Win XP, Win 7 beauty and progressiveness Win 8 in one.

Windows INFO:
The name of the program: Microsoft?Windows?8 ?? Professional Vol (Pro)
Version: 6.2.9200 assembly 9200
Language: English
Bits: 32/64 bit (x86/x64)
Treatment in complete, type of medication: KMS Activator

Minimum system requirements:
- Processor 1 GHz (32 or 64-bit for x86, 64 bit for x64);
- 1 GB RAM for x86 system and 2 GB for x64;
- 16/20 GB of free disk space for x 86/x64 ;
- Graphics card with directx 9.

Build are based on the official images Microsoft MSDN:

updates are integrated through March 2013, important and recommended;
additional themes and background images.

Application automatically installed during the installation of OS:

- Classic Shell 3.6.5 en, the program to return to the familiar attributes of OS
- "Start" button and start menu;
- Ultra UXTheme Patcher, program for the possibility of third-party themes.

Install the operating system does not differ from the original. Installation time varies from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the capacity and power of the computer. Updates integrated standard tools of the Windows AIK. Applications are installed post-install internal OS installer. The images can be transferred to a USB flash drive on the appropriate procedure to create bootable media. Removing the USB flash drive or DVD from the computer before the installation of the system is not recommended.
Strongly recommend that you disable the update settings and automatically install drivers from Microsoft to avoid black screen on reboot.

For convenience in work in the OS image, minor changes::

- launched by default .Net Framework 3.5 (2.0, 3.0),
- show "my computer", "control panel" and IE10 on desktop,
- in menu "file" added "open with Notepad", "move to ...", "copy to .."
- in menu "computer" added "Device Manager",
- show hidden files and folders,
- show file extension,
- modified site search on Google in IE10,
- added more backgrounds for your desktop,
- added additional themes.
- Disabled UAC.
- Service, processes and components of Windows are by default nothing was removed and has not changed.

Additional material:
Folder "Add. activators" contains alternative activators.
The "Start button" folder contains additional icon to the Start button.
"Menu Start" folder contains alternative programs to return to the system menu and start button.
In the "Add. decor" program provides additional decor to change the appearance of the system: add transparency windows, remove the Strip from the top of the window, add a large package of icons "Metro Win8 Icon Pack", a small package of Smarty design Windows 8 "Basic".
Just added a "8GadgetPack" program to return to the system desktop gadgets with a set of gadgets.
Note: all additional material is intended for independent installation according to your desire.

Activation of system:
To activate system, take advantage of your license or think of its purchase.
This version does not arrange whom, apply alternative.
After installation of OS on a desktop there will be a folder "the Activator" and follow the following instruction.
1. Disable the antivirus (if installed)!!
2. Open the folder "Activator" on your desktop.
3. Run the file "KMSAuto" from folder KMSAuto v 2.20 Portable.
4. Follow the proposed programme instructions (in English).
5. Reboot and check the result after reboot.
6. If not successful, repeat point 3, result of almost 100%.

- Note:
- the activation system at the moment is possible only for 180 days KMS activators, with subsequent reactivate.

1) Burn ISO file into a DVD with MINIMAL speed.
2) Install as normal.
3) After the system is ready use Windows Activator to activate.

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